
Theories of energies of Graceli [eG]. E [ccrG], with actions on tunneling. The energy of Graceli [eG] is a variable, as well as an indeterminable variable. Being that this energy has action on the chains and tunnels proposed by Graceli, where an indeterminable relativity is formed by the energy of Graceli, chains and tunneling. Since [eG] can have effect and behavior of resistance, transpassage, and also transformer for other types of energies, taking forceful action in tunnels, radioactivity, ion interactions, as well as in the effects and phenomena of chains, both internal [ Inside the radioactive atom] within the barrier or outer atom in the environment and tunneling. Where a system under pressure also has action on these effects. Teorias de energias de Graceli [eG]. E [ccrG], com ações sobre tunelamentos. a energia de Graceli  [eG] é uma variável, como também uma variável indeterminável. Sendo que esta energia tem ação sobre as cadeias e tunelamentos propostos por Graceli